Meet us at 4th China-Europe Silicon Photonics Course and Symposium (Online)

October 17, 2022 by
Meet us at 4th China-Europe Silicon Photonics Course and Symposium (Online)
Luceda Photonics

Meet us at 4th China-Europe Silicon Photonics Course and Symposium online! 

This event brings industrial and academic technology leaders from the leading eco-systems in the world to bring a full spectrum of perspectives about silicon photonics technology and its applications.

The symposium will focus on the potential of silicon photonics in various application domains. And the course will focus on a deeper understanding of the technological and device concepts and the scientific state of the art in this field.

Don't miss the interesting talk about "Silicon photonics IP validation and deployment enabled by PDA flow" from Luceda,  you will be impressive for the powerful features in IPKISS.


Silicon photonics IP validation and deployment enabled by PDA flow

   Ruping Cao
  20  Oct 2022, 18:30 - 19:00  (GMT+8:00)
   4th China-Europe Silicon Photonics Course and Symposium (Online)


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