IPKISS training with the Cornerstone SiN PDK

July 20, 2021 by
IPKISS training with the Cornerstone SiN PDK
Luceda Photonics

Design and tape-out with IPKISS and the CORNERSTONE SiN PDK

In this hands-on training, Luceda Photonics will teach you how to design photonic components and circuits, and prepare for a tape-out using

In the first part of the training, you will be introduced to the IPKISS Photonics Design Platform by going through the basic concepts of IPKISS and learning how to design simple components and circuits.

In the second part of the training, you will learn how to design a splitter in IPKISS and optimize it in Lumerical MODE, taking advantage of the IPKISS Link for Ansys Lumerical, which builds a 3D structure and a simulation for you starting from an IPKISS layout. Afterwards, you will learn how to use the splitter in a circuit and how to create a design of experiment ready for tape-out using the Cornerstone SiN PDK.

Fabricate your design using the Cornerstone SiN platform!

Session 1

  20 July 2021, 14:00 (GMT+2)
   Online on Zoom

Session 2

  27 July 2021, 14:00 (GMT+2)
   Online on Zoom


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