AWG Training with Luceda and Ligentec - Session 1 (English)



AWG Training with Luceda and Ligentec - Session 1 (English)

Hands-on training

Do you design AWGs? Or do you want to get started but don’t know where to begin? Don’t miss a chance to learn the best AWG design tool on the market and get your design fabricated for free at Ligentec! Join Luceda and Ligentec’s experts for a hands-on training using the IPKISS AWG Designer and the IPKISS PDK for Ligentec.

In this hands-on training, Luceda Photonics and Ligentec will teach you how to design Arrayed Waveguide Gratings (AWGs) from high-level specifications to manufacturable AWG layouts based on the Ligentec technology, using:

IPKISS Photonics Design Platform: IPKISS and IPKISS AWG Designer

IPKISS PDK for Ligentec

Explore design compromises across all stages and generate a manufacturable design with a press-of-the-button flow. Use your final AWG design within the IPKISS Photonics Design Platform to complete the chip design and prepare for tape-out at Ligentec.

The training focuses on AWG design for integrated optical tomography applications based on the IPKISS PDK for Ligentec’s AN150 platform. Each step of the process can be customized to suit specific requirements in terms of layout or simulation.

Win a chance to fabricate your design for free at Ligentec

Do you think you can design the best performing AWG? Do you have a great application in mind? Submit your design by 22 July 2021, and win a chance to get your design fabricated for free at Ligentec*. 

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Luceda Photonics

+32 52 33 98 38
